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Finding a job

Finding a job

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The document is processed within 15 working days of the request if sent by 6pm from Monday to Friday. The document is delivered via e-mail in pdf format. However, it is possible to request the service urgently, which guarantees processing within 7 working days.


Workplace Tracing is a service of fundamental importance for understanding the work and salary situation of a debtor or potential debtor. But not only that: it is also useful when negotiating a contract with a person. For example, let's imagine that Tom, a building contractor, needs to carry out some work in an apartment owned by Guy. Tizio promises to pay in installments for the work. Through the Workplace Trace, Caio can easily check if Tizio is actually employed, what type of work he does and what income he receives. This information is crucial to evaluate Tizio's creditworthiness.

Here's what the Workplace Tracker contains

  • Employer : Details about the employer are provided, including the name and tax code or VAT number.
  • Place of Work : The complete address of the place of work, including street/square, municipality, postal code and province.
  • Contract Type : Specifies the type of contractual relationship in place (for example, permanent or fixed-term) and, if applicable, the expiry date of the contract.
  • Estimated Gross Monthly Salary : If the individual works for a private company or a public institution, an estimate of his gross monthly salary is provided.
  • Current positions in companies registered with the Chamber of Commerce : Information on any positions of responsibility or positions held by the worker in companies registered with the Chamber of Commerce.
  • It is important to note that Workplace Locator does not include information about the worker's residency. However, if necessary, you can add a specific request to know the residence by filling out the following form .

    In summary, this information provides a complete picture of a person's work situation, allowing you to make informed decisions based on specific needs.