SERVIZIO CLIENTI +39 02/400.31.022 | 09.00 - 17.30 DAL LUNEDI' AL VENERDI'

casellario giudiziale

Judicial Records Certificate

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Processing times

The processing time for the criminal record certificate is 3 working days for the urgent request, while the standard request is processed in 7 working days.


The service request cannot be processed without completing the delegation and presenting the identification document. Pending complete receipt of the aforementioned documents, the service times are considered suspended.

The Criminal Record Certificate contains information relating to judicial measures in criminal, civil and administrative matters. The type of judicial certificate selected determines the information reported. Here is a list of the information reported for each type of certificate:

  • General Criminal Record Certificate : contains the data of the interested party plus the information present both in the civil record certificate and in the criminal record certificate, plus offenses and administrative sanctions are also reported.
  • Civil Records Certificate : contains the data of the interested party with the judicial measures in civil matters attributed to him relating to his personal capacity (interdiction, disqualification; support administration, etc.) and any failures against him.
  • Criminal Record Certificate : contains the data of the interested party with the convictions and final sentences of proceedings in criminal matters (so-called "criminal record").

Remember that Criminal Record Certificates are valid for 6 months. Once this deadline has expired, it will be necessary to request a new updated certificate.



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