Document processing times
By email in pdf format within 60 minutes of the request for all orders placed between 9:00 and 18:00 from Monday to Friday. In other cases, processing will be carried out in the morning of the following working day.
The cadastral plan is a technical document that illustrates the contours and internal divisions of a real estate unit registered at the land registry. It can only be requested by the owner of the property or by a person delegated by the owner, who must specify this at the time of the request.
To request the cadastral plan, you must fill out a form with the following information:
- The municipality in which the real estate unit is located
- The address of the real estate unit
- The property unit sheet
- The parcel of the real estate unit
- The sub or subordinate of the real estate unit
The cadastral plan contains the following data:
- The floor on which the property is located
- The boundaries or contours of the property
- The heights of the property
- The destination of the rooms of the property (for example, kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms)
- Any accessory elements of the property (for example, closets)
The cadastral plan graphically represents the real estate unit as it is registered at the land registry. Its validity concerns the data contained at the time of the request.
Please note that the data contained in the cadastral plan does NOT have legal value, the cadastre is not an evidentiary body.
The cadastral plan is mandatory by law if you wish to validly stipulate a purchase, sale, donation or exchange contract. It can be essential if you want to connect new utilities (for example, electricity, gas), request mortgages from banks, or give or receive condominium communications.
The cadastral plan can be useful if you want to know the cadastral category of the property (for example, office, home), if you have to fill in the tax return, or if you want to install photovoltaic panels.
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